Configuration files for my Linux workspace environment
The dotfiles movement aims developers to share the configuration files that customize their working space. I’ve also joined the movement when migrating from a Desktop Environment (GNOME) to using a Window Manager (AwesomeWM).

Along my rice (theme), local programs (scripts) and configuration files, I also track down all the packages that I’ve installed (PACKAGES), and provide a script (INSTALL) that is capable of replicating my environment on a new machine.
At the time of writing this post, I’m rocking on:
- OS: Debian 13
- WM: AwesomeWM
- Font: Jetbrains Mono Nerd
- Terminal: Alacritty
- Compositor: Picom
- Palette: Catppuccin (Mocha)
- Browser: Firefox
- Editor: nano (term)/VSCode
I’ve made a video showcasing my dotfiles, if that’s interesting to you, give it a watch.
#projects #dotfiles #linux #workspace #development-environment