João Freitas

The following is an explanation on how open source contributions help you get noticed, helping you in things such as getting that dream job you wanted.

Open Source contributions are more than social points on GitHub, they are highlights in your portfolio. Building a rich portfolio proves your skills.

I know, I know. It’s kind of ironic to create content about not needing to create content to get noticed. In recent years, there’s been a big push to have new developers create content to “get noticed.” But here’s the thing, creating content might feel daunting and discouraging for those who don’t have the time or resources to create content regularly or it might take away from making progress in deepening your coding skills. The good news is that there are other ways to get noticed without relying solely on content creation, and in today’s post we’re going to talk about using open source to get noticed.

How to Get Noticed

What if instead of spending hours a week creating content, you spent that time working on contributing to open source? It doesn’t have to be an issue that majorly impacts a code base. Start where you’re comfortable; get an understanding of open source, working with other teams, communicating, looking at larger code bases, and understanding how code works.

Benefits of Contributing to Open Source

People will remember the way you communicate your code and how you communicate with the team. In some instances, these interactions have led to people being shortlisted as potential hires or even being invited to interview.

I once worked with a woman who told me that she really wanted to work for a particular company that had a really rigorous interview process that she knew she couldn’t pass. Instead, she put her time into making contributions to their codebase, betting that if she could prove herself that they’d let her bypass the interview process. That bet paid off. And she’s not the only one it’s paid off for.

Tweet from @Dayhaysoos: My last job and current reached out to me because of my open source work 🫡

Build a Strong Resume

According to, hiring managers look at resumes for 6-7 seconds on average. How does your resume compare to other candidates who have pursued similar learning experiences? Do you all have the same bootcamp projects? Have you all listed the same classes? Something that you can include on your resume that no one else can is your open source experience.

People often ask, “How do I get experience as a software engineer if no one will hire me?” That’s a valid and frustrating question. Open source contributions are one way to get experience. I recently talked to a hiring manager who said, because of the competition for early career roles, the best way to get a job is to become a mid-level developer. There are projects out there that will challenge you to learn and grow as part of the process. It is doable to hit that next career level through contributing.

Tweet from @patak_dev: 👋 @stackblitz hired me because of my OS contributions to Vite, to ensure I could continue to help maintain the project long term

Build Your Network

There are more developers who are off social media than are on social media for tech. So if you’re following Tech Twitter, for example, you’re only seeing a small percentage of those people working in tech. By participating in open source, you’ll find a broader community of people in the industry who you can learn from, participate with, and ultimately grow with. It doesn’t have to start with a PR, either. You can answer questions in the discussion, open an issue, or direct people to resources in the community Discord/Slack/forum.

Tweet from @sandra_rodgers_: I made an open source contribution a few years ago to a little vue package; the owner worked for a startup. He had his CTO reach out to me through linked in. I interviewed and they wanted to hire me but I decided to stay where I was. Great experience though!

In the global market for tech talent, open source provides credibility and an opportunity to showcase real-world work that you’ve done.

#reads #bekahw #open source #portfolio #entrepreneurship