João Freitas

The following is a complete in depth cheat sheet for hacking with generics in Golang. Generics are like a grenade. They are expensive and can be used in proper and improper ways.

Some people refer generics as a way to achieve untyped functions, but they are more than that. In Go, you can type functions with multiple types with generics, and that’s pretty neat and cool. More on that on the cheatsheet.

Getting started

Generics release

Generics in Go are available since the version 1.18, released on March 15, 2022.

Generic function

With Generics, you can create functions with types as parameters. Instead of writing separate functions for each type like:

    func LastInt(s []int) int {
        return s[len(s)-1]
    func LastString(s []string) string {
        return s[len(s)-1]
    // etc.

you can write a function with a type parameter:

    func Last[T any](s []T) T {
        return s[len(s)-1]

Type parameters are declared in square brackets. They describe types that are allowed for a given function:

Diagram on how the generic function looks like

Generic function call

You can call a generic function like any other function:

    func main() {
        data := []int{1, 2, 3}
        data2 := []string{"a", "b", "c"}

You do not have to explicitly declare the type parameter as in the example below, because it is inferred based on the passed arguments. This feature is called type inference and applies only to functions.

    func main() {
        data := []int{1, 2, 3}
        data2 := []string{"a", "b", "c"}

However, explicitly declaring concrete type parameters is allowed, and sometimes necessary, when the compiler is unable to unambiguously detect the type of arguments passed.



A constraint is an interface that describes a type parameter. Only types that satisfy the specified interface can be used as a parameter of a generic function. The constraint always appears in square brackets after the the type parameter name.

In the following example:

    func Last[T any](s []T) T {
        return s[len(s)-1]

the constraint is any. Since Go 1.18, any is an alias for interface{}:

    type any = interface{}

The any is the broadest constraint, which assumes that the input variable to the generic function can be of any type.

Built-in constraints

In addition to the any constraint in Go, there is also a built-in comparable constraint that describes any type whose values can be compared, i.e., we can use the == and != operators on them.

    func contains[T comparable](elems []T, v T) bool {
        for _, s := range elems {
            if v == s {
                return true
        return false

The constraints package

More constraints are defined in the x/exp/constraints package. It contains constraints that permit, for example, ordered types (types that support the operators <, <=, >=, >), floating-point types, integer types, and some others:

    func Last[T constraints.Complex](s []T) {}
    func Last[T constraints.Float](s []T) {}
    func Last[T constraints.Integer](s []T) {}
    func Last[T constraints.Ordered](s []T) {}
    func Last[T constraints.Signed](s []T) {}
    func Last[T constraints.Unsigned](s []T) {}

Check the documentation of the x/exp/constraints package for more information.

Custom constraints

Constraints are interfaces, so you can use a custom-defined interface as a constraint on a function type parameter:

    type Doer interface {
    func Last[T Doer](s []T) T {
        return s[len(s)-1]

However, using such an interface as a constraint is no different from using the interface directly.

As of Go 1.18, the interface definition has a new syntax. Now it is possible to define an interface with a type:

    type Integer interface {

Constraints containing only one type have little practical use. But, when combined with the union operator |, we can define type sets without which complex constraints cannot exist.

Type sets

Using the union | operator, we can define an interface with more than one type:

    type Number interface {
        int | float64

This type of interface is a type set that can contain types or other types sets:

    type Number interface {
        constraints.Integer | constraints.Float

Type sets help define appropriate constraints. For example, all constraints in the x/exp/constraints package are type sets declared using the union operator:

    type Integer interface {
        Signed | Unsigned

Inline type sets

Type set interface can also be defined inline in the function declaration:

    func Last[T interface{ int | int8 | int16 | int32 }](s []T) T {
        return s[len(s)-1]

Using the simplification that Go allows for, we can omit the interface{} keyword when declaring an inline type set:

    func Last[T int | int8 | int16 | int32](s []T) T {
        return s[len(s)-1]

Type approximation

In many of the constraint definitions, for example in the x/exp/constraints package, you can find the special operator ~ before a type. It means that the constraint allows this type, as well as a type whose underlying type is the same as the one defined in the constraint. Take a look at the example:

    package main
    import (
    type MyInt int
    type Int interface {
        ~int | int8 | int16 | int32
    func Last[T Int](s []T) T {
        return s[len(s)-1]
    func main() {
        data := []MyInt{1, 2, 3}

Without the ~ before the int type in the Int constraint, you cannot use a slice of MyInt type in the Last() function because the MyInt type is not in the list of the Int constraint. By defining ~int in the constraint, we allow variables of any type whose underlying type is int.

Generic types

Defining a generic type

In Go, you can also create a generic type defined similarly to a generic function:

    type KV[K comparable, V any] struct {
        Key   K
        Value V
    func (v *KV[K, V]) Set(key K, value V) {
        v.Key = key
        v.Value = value
    func (v *KV[K, V]) Get(key K) *V {
        if v.Key == key {
            return &v.Value
        return nil

Note that the method receiver is a generic KV[K, V] type.

When defining a generic type, you cannot introduce additional type parameters in its methods - the struct type parameters are only allowed.

Example of usage

When initializing a new generic struct, you must explicitly provide concrete types:

    func main() {
        var record KV[string, float64]
        record.Set("abc", 54.3)
        v := record.Get("abc")
        if v != nil {

You can avoid it by creating a constructor function since types in functions can be inferred thanks to the type inference feature:

    func NewKV[K comparable, V any](key K, value V) *KV[K, V] {
        return &KV[K, V]{
            Key:   key,
            Value: value,
    func main() {
        record := NewKV("abc", 54.3)
        v := record.Get("abc")
        if v != nil {
        NewKV("abc", 54.3)

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