João Freitas

The following is a small but experienced guide on how to host your own hackathon, and the things you can learn from hosting one.

We have just released our new Hackathon NovuConnect 🤩
We have made sure it’s super easy to participate, and today I will talk about how.
Here are the things I am going to touch:

For those of you who don’t know, we have also arranged HackSquad, one of the biggest competitions during Hacktoberfast, and we got 5000 participants in one month 😲


What is a Hackathon

Hackathons existed before the days of the internet; developers would bring their big computers, program together, and compete with each other for hours.
As the internet evolved, developers started to do the same thing asynchronically.

Why would you want to make a Hackathon?

Usually, you would be expecting a few things:


The problems with online Hackathons

I have had the opportunity to talk to different founders and understand what went well and wrong. At the same time, most hackathons got an extreme amount of registration. As a result, only a few developers would actually participate or submit a complete project. In my opinion, there are a few faults:


Prizes are a tricky thing!
One thing I can say is never ship mugs 🤣


I usually prefer a digital price; it’s very common to offer GitHub funding as we live in open-source. However, here are a few more prizes you should consider.


Judging Projects

You should usually put in the rules what you are going to test; in our case, it’s:

Developers need to know what they are being judged for so they can put their focus on the right areas.

Another significant consideration you should think is:
Can I judge a project made with COBOL?
Ok, nobody uses COBOL today, but you get what I mean.
If you let developers submit projects in any language, you might need to hire some experts (or take some from the community) to judge the projects.

How to start?

#reads #hackathon #open source #entrepreneurship