João Freitas

The following is a review on the process of submission/publishing a plugin to be integrated with ChatGPT.

With no details about the implementation behind the integration tool, the team at OpenAI managed to designed a really simple, developer friendly, API for submitting new integrations. All developers need to do is: share metadata about the plugin, a template description to be used by models and an OpenAPI spec schema.

ChatGPT plugins can call external services to augment answers. They might run a code interpreter or access an API like OpenTable or Zapier.

There isn’t publicly available information about how ChatGPT plugins work behind the scenes — it could be something like Toolformer or a custom implementation. But the public API is interesting in itself.

Developers submit a manifest with some metadata. The interesting parts of this are:

The interesting things about the plugin specification:

There’s no natural language parsing or usage in the actual plugin. Just JSON or whatever your wire protocol is.

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